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Does Your School Qualify?
To qualify for CalSHAPE grants, your Local Education Agency (LEA) must be:
A school district as defined in Section 41302.5 of the Education Code which includes:
County Boards of Education
County superintendents of schools
Direct elementary and secondary level instructional services provided by the state, including the Diagnostic Schools for Neurologically Handicapped Children as established under Article 1 (commencing with Section 59200) of Chapter 3 of Part 32 of the Education Code
A charter school that has been granted a charter under Part 26.8 (commencing with Section 47600) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Education Code
A regional occupational center established under Section 52301 of the Education Code that is operated by a joint powers authority and that has an active career technical education advisory committee pursuant to Section 8070 of the Education Code
Located within the jurisdiction of specified electrical or natural gas corporations (Pacific Gas and Electric/PG&E, San Diego Gas and Electric/SDG&E) Southern California Edison/SCE, or Southern California Gas Company/SoCalGas
​​LEAs can apply for grants to conduct activities at schools that:
Are on a site owned by the LEA
Are on a publicly owned site, such as a site owned by a school district or other public entity, whether the LEA has a lease with that entity
Are on a privately-owned site, for which there is a lease with a term that exceeds the duration of the program, ending after December 1, 2026